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What are the benefits of working overseas compared to the UK?

Well, the first and most obvious answer given the past few days is the weather, having said that is the grass greener on the other side?Benefits of working overseas are:

  1. The glorious sunshine most of the time.
  2. Tax free pay in certain parts of the World.
  3. A completely different pace of life.
  4. Cheaper living costs.
  5. See different cultures.

Benefits of working in the UK are:

  1. Pay the government an average of 35% of your income.
  2. Fantastic Healthcare system.
  3. The amazing 5 hours a day of rain.
  4. State of the art public transport system.
  5. Queue for almost everything.

So, I Raj Nasta of Zest 2 Recruitment ask why would anyone want to work overseas I wonder?#zest2recruitment #workintheuk #workoverseas #taxfree

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