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Make hay whilst the sun shines

Here at Zest 2 Recruitment we are sweltering in the office and thinking about enjoying a well-deserved Ice Cream when the conversation of how the weather may affect people’s thoughts on applying for a new role came about.We have a mixed school of thought here with some thinking that you are more likely to apply for new opportunities on a wet and miserable Monday morning rather than making hay whilst the sun shines! Does glorious weather detract people from their focus in life? Are they opting for lazing in the sun and possibly the pub garden? Or do you feel that for the serious job hunter, they will persevere on with their search for their next challenge come rain or shine?We are keen to hear everyone else’s opinion on this and as always, if you are currently seeking a new opportunity then please call the team on 01293 312 065.#HotHotHot #ComeRainOrShine #NewSeason #NewCareer #Zest2Recruitment

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