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It’s all about you!

Whilst I have been writing blogs over the past weeks, a member of my team said, ‘are you talking about me?’I thought based on that comment, I thought I would put together a very accurate account of what I sometimes deal with on a monthly basis.And obviously I will be showing it to them the moment this has been posted!So, a few weeks ago I went away on a rugby tour for a long weekend, leaving on Friday morning and coming back later Monday evening…Even though I wasn’t feeling on top form on Tuesday I still made it to the office on Tuesday, only to find that a member of my team was not there, due to what had obviously been a very long weekend!So is this acceptable?#Zest2Rec #Paranoid #RajNasta #Zest2Recruitment #Recruitment

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Having the right to do it, doesn’t make it right to do it.